Noah Farmer is an American Artist and Graphic Designer
based in Charlotte, North Carolina.
He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
and has his B.F.A in Art
with a Concentration in Graphic Design and Art History.
His signature painting style is Abstract Realism and works with
a minimal color pallet, usually consisting of only two main source colors plus white, exaggerating shapes of shadows, midtones
and highlights in his work.​

​Noah’s work is motivated by deeper values and a sense of purpose. His pieces are his representations of nature, life experiences, the human condition and other subjects. Each piece shares a part of his True Self, Soul and life story.
However, he prefers his work to be subjective to the viewer. He aims
for the viewer to determine the meaning and purpose of each piece
by applying their own thoughts, feelings and experiences.
When the viewer accomplishes this,
a new connection, meaning and purpose is formed.

Farmer Fine Art
Email: farmerfineart@gmail.com